People ask me why I'm so involved in politics, and especially why I'm so Conservative.
It's because I have a passion for helping people. And I've learned that the only thing that helps is good results.
Conservative ideas consistently deliver good results.
Politics is about causing the world. I'm about causing good results.
Because just having good intentions isn't enough. The Left has good intentions but causes bad results, and doesn't have the maturity to admit it.
I used to do that. When I saw the shambles of my life, and the harm I caused others with the bad results I caused, I realized I had to be dedicated to causing good results.
That means looking in the mirror and blaming only myself for bad results.
That means discarding every "good intention" that does not cause a good result.
It means settling only for those actions that do good. Even if they seem mean or harsh.
Look at what Christ had to endure to do good. It wasn't easy. It was very difficult, and even he asked God to "have this cup passed from my lips."
I know Conservative ideas produce good results. It's the very definition of Conservative. It's why people are told to invest their money Conservatively, and not Liberally.
Conservatism is the way off the path "paved with good intentions."
I walk the better path proudly. Because I help people every day, and get real acknowledgement in their bettered lives.
I don't give myself false praise for "meaning well" while standing in a pile of ashes.