Some rich folk who have some kind of guilt and self-hatred, even agree.
But, isn't that what robbers and muggers do? They size up victims to see who is likely to be carrying the most valuables.
Everytime someone says we ought to tax the rich more because they can afford it, they never stop to ask... Is it moral and right for me to decide how much of someone else's property should be taken from them?
Especially given how poorly politicians spend that money.
It doesn't matter if that money might be put to a good use. It doesn't matter to the victim if he is mugged, and the mugger uses the money to buy his kids Christmas presents. He was still mugged!
Anyone saying we can vote money away from the rich to keep funding runaway spending has failed to heed the warnings of history, and one founder in particular:
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -- Benjamin Franklin
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